Saturday, April 30, 2011

Easter in Italia

Buona Pasqua! (Happy Easter!) He is risen!
My Easter was lovely; spent time with good friends, appreciated my Savior so much more, and was able to embrace my inner housewife.

The weekend started with a trip up to Monte di Procida (love love LOVE it there), and spending the night at the Darby's. I was so very excited just to be there, and even more excited to get to help with the cooking and cleaning (yes, I was excited to was fun). I enjoyed the fellowship with our dear friends, and was enjoying the time immensely.
Sunday morning we woke up and got to cook more, and had a wonderful Easter breakfast meal; we praised the Lord for His blessings! After breakfast we went down the mountain to a lovely Catholic church, where it was so crowded we had to stand, and I heard many Italian words I didn't know. ;) I could translate "Christo" and "Pasqua," and that was about it.
After church we went to the mare (sea) and we ladies (Jenny Darby, Mom, and myself) went to a lovely shop where we enjoyed yummy capochino! I loved enjoying God's beautiful creation (we ate outside), and Italia's yummy caffe.
All in all, a benissimo weekend! For pictures, please see my Mom's lovely blog! She actually borrowed some of my pictures ;).
I love her blog, and you will too! 
Peace and blessings to you!

My capochino looking out to the sea at Monte di Procida
More pictures to come!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Lovely Lovely

Here are some pictures from the lovely Napoli (where I live!!!), taken recently :)
Look a castle!

Mare! (Sea!)
 Coooool stairs at the OTHER castle (there are so many..)
 more mare
 say hi to San Carlo again!!!!! <3 <3 <3

More to come- Peace! <3

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Napoli e Bella

Naples is beautiful!
Here is a picture from Teatro di San Carlo- the oldest opera house in the world! Bellisima. <3

New Blog!!!

Ciao amici!
Welcome to my new blog! I will eventually transfer old posts onto this blog, but for now (because I have a very busy schedule trying to enjoy as much of Italia as I can) I will post when I can the most recent things.

Have a lovely day!
-Alexandra Anne <3